NAME: Super Mario RPG SYSTEM: Super NES MAKERS: Nintendo/Square PRODUCER: Shigeru Miyamoto GENRE: Action/RPG GRAPHICS: 7. Very good but a little grainy sometimes MUSIC: 8. Well-composed but annoying FUN: 10. One of the best RPGs REPLAY: 6. Not much to go back for except the items DIFFICULTY: 8. Not something you'll finish very soon ENDING: 9. Satisfying STORYLINE: 10. Cool but it never forgets it's a Mario game MULTIPLAYER: N/A. (One player) ORIGINALITY: 8. The timed hits are cool, and Mario in an RPG definitely wasn't expected REALISM: 5. Rendered graphics, but again, it's a Mario game CONTROL: 9. The only complaint is blocking is pretty hard to master MATURITY: 4. Mallows and stars and plumbers, oh my Well no one expected this. It may be a ludicrous idea, but SMRPG really breaks the normal "run around jumping on stuff" barrier. The team-up with Square is what really made this great (the makers of the Final Fantasies and Zelda, Mario, etc. really can't go wrong). Unfortunately, this may be why SMRPG64 is expected to fail the test. Anyway, this game leaves little to be desired. The timed hits break up the turn-based dullness and should be used in RPGs more often! The graphics and sound are great, and probably the only drawback is the fact that there's no incentive to go back and play again. Still, a great game that any RPG fan should have. OVERALL: ********* 90% Reviewed on 11/19/1998